Thursday, September 27, 2007

Advice For People Who Have A Drinking Problem

Have you got a drinking problem? Are you an alcoholic? Are you looking for advice about curing your drink problem? If you have answered yes to one or more of these questions then I am hoping that this article will prove beneficial for you. I have just witnessed the fall from grace of a good friend of mine, a couple of years ago he was on top of the world, he seemingly had it all. Then alcohol got the better of him, he now feels that he has lost everything and today is at a very low point in his life.

My friend requires urgent help but to start with he needs to help himself. He does attend alcohol anonymous meetings but is a some what reluctant attendee. In my opinion he is still not convinced that he needs to completely stop drinking, despite everything that has happened to him and until he does he will stay in the depths of depression.

Around two years ago my friend, I will call him Ian even though this is not his real name, had a loving wife, two young children, was a director of a successful company, had a large four bedroom house and seemingly had a great life. For whatever reason he started to drink heavily and despite an apparent happy home life would spend most nights in a local bar, drinking himself into oblivion.

I think that he thought that this was normality, work hard, play hard. The first I heard of any problems came about when he informed me that his wife had kicked him out of their house and that he had temporarily moved back to live with his parents. At that stage he believed that he would be able to smoothe things over with his wife but he never did.

This break up hit Ian hard and he began to drink even more. A few weeks later he was caught drink driving and was demoted at the company where he worked. Ian was still a senior manager but had lost his status as a director and later also lost his driving license after being banned for twelve months at court.

Ian now became very depressed and was described happy pills by the doctor. His behaviour then became erratic and his work started to suffer, it was like he could no longer be bothered with it all. His overall self-esteem and confidence took a massive dive.

Last week Ian was sacked after turning up at the office smelling of booze. This is how alcohol can ruin your life. Take control now, stop drinking before it takes control of you.

Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre, he has a number of websites including:


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Weight Gain After Quit Smoking
Stop Smoking Injections
Stop Smoking Literature
Free Hypnosis Quit Smoking Downloads
Stop Smoking Acupuncture
Free Stop Smoking Advice
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Ways Of Giving Up Smoking
Stop Smoking Cessation


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