Thursday, September 27, 2007

Nicocure Patches - How Effective Are They?

The best experts on 'how to stop smoking' are non smokers. Or that what it always seems like! I always find that hard to swallow that a non-smoker who has never given up smoking will always give advice on 'how to give up smoking'.

Speaking as someone who has been there and done that, it is not as easy as it sounds. It took more than a hardy resolve, will power and mind over matter as nicotine is one heck of an addictive substance. It is no joke. For instance, did you know it is easier to wean yourself off heroin or cocaine than it is with nicotine? Nicotine is one lethally addictive drug so trying to quit with will power is not impossible, but it is a very big ask of anyone.

This is the reason most people who try to give up seek the help of one of many stop smoking products out there. And there are many, many, many stop smoking products to chose from. You have probably seen yourself that the choice is overwhelming.

Trouble is that the majority of them are not too effective and some even hinder your progress. For instance: Why on earth do some stop smoking patches contain nicotine. I mean, it's just like giving alcohol to an alcoholic! If you're trying to stop smoking, nicotine needs to be removed from the body, not added.

Then there is Nicotine Replacement Therapy, also known as NRT. What a crock. You as a smoker are led to believe that the nicotine contained in the cigarettes is medicinal and is not the same type of nicotine which comes from the tobacco plant. If it comes from the tobacco plant, then it will have nicotine in it. Plain and simple.

So what is the way forward? The company Ultra Herbal has a natural alternative called Nicocure Patches. The company claim that the patches are made to be a fast and safe way to rid you of your nicotine cravings. They also claim that Nicocure patches does not contain nicotine but a safe blend which reproduces the same effect as nicotine without the side effects of addiction. This is good as if it has the same effect as nicotine without being nicotine, giving up becomes a lot easier.

I have used Nicocure patches and they do indeed quell the desire to reach for that cigarette. And one thing I noticed whilst using Nicocure is that when I did try a cigarette, it tasted disgusting! Very effective.

As I said before, there are many stop smoking products out there and a few of them do work. Nicocure is one of them.

Trying to give up smoking?

There are so many 'stop smoking' products and aids available so how do you decide what is for you?

For more reviews on Nicocure, visit Nicocure Reviews

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